“We are called to be the architects of the future”
― Buckminster Fuller
Biophilic Education Alliance
The DVLS Curriculum and Assessment framework are inline with the current national (and international) developments in PBL (project-based learning) and portfolio-based skills assessment. DVQs (Da Vinci Qualifications) have been accepted as a trusted qualification by a few universities so far and this is something that BE All (Biophilic Education Alliance) is working on expanding.
To help our older students be exam ready BE Hub Arrington are offering support with English, maths, art and DT GCSEs. Please contact us for more specific information on exam support.
Students can sign up for one to three pathways.
Fees must be paid upfront at the beginning of the semester.
Additional costs: CGP maths and English work books, 1 group novel for each pathway (1 per Semester), extra resources for PEPs. Extracurricular clubs costs are shared by the group. We have a 20% discount on all NEC online exam courses, parents will need to pay NEC directly for online support and the exam centres directly to sit exams.
Please also check our extra curricular clubs and holiday workshops page for continual updates.
We are welcoming new students. Please contact us if you would like to come and visit the BE Hub or come for a trial day for 10am - 4pm. We charge £50 per student for trial days. We will then send you our admissions form.
Check out the stop frame animation film our students made last semester - 'Storm on Planet Gelida'